Insights / Our Spring Third Party Costs (TPCs) Guide summary

Our Spring Third Party Costs (TPCs) Guide summary

For almost a decade in my previous role at an energy consultancy and information house, I was heavily involved in tracking, monitoring and forecasting TPCs and market events. Now, having recently joined Drax Energy Solutions, I’m delighted to have authored my first full Third Party Costs (TPCs) Guide.

Our Spring Third Party Costs (TPCs) Guide summary - Hero

We’re a consultative energy and decarbonisation partner for industrial and commercial organisations across the UK. This means that, as well as supplying renewable power as standard, we help our customers navigate their way towards net zero.

To deliver additional support, we curate Intelligence that analyses and interprets what’s happening to commodity and non-commodity prices, industry regulations and recommendations, and government policy and legislation. Our TPCs guide is an exclusive piece of Intelligence that helps our customers and partners to:

  • Understand recent energy market cost drivers
  • Prepare for upcoming reforms
  • Plan their energy spending

This spring, we’ve also produced a summary guide to highlight the key findings. Download it now by completing the short form below.

To learn more about our consultative approach to energy supply, decarbonisation and partnership, email


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