Carbon credits

Carbon credits product image
If your organisation continues to work hard at reducing your Scope 1 and 2 emissions, you’ll know that cutting your Scope 3 emissions can be even harder. That’s because Scope 3 covers the off-site and indirect emissions, excluding energy, related to your organisation’s activities (e.g. upstream and downstream supply chain, business trips, outsourced activities).

With many of these emissions being out of your control and hard to reduce, buying carbon credits of the highest possible quality can help to offset them.

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI) lead best practice guidance on using carbon credits correctly and ensuring they’re high quality.

Such credits allow you to claim the climate benefits delivered by decarbonisation projects around the world. These projects use reduction or avoidance methods to reduce the carbon dioxide (CO₂) released into the atmosphere. Or, they remove the CO₂ from the atmosphere (i.e. carbon dioxide removals, or CDRs) then store it for the mid to long-term, or permanently.

There are various ways to deliver reductions and removals, and we need all these solutions to tackle climate change – there’s no silver bullet.

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You can buy credits for reductions and removals now, via our Carbon Portfolio product – see below. And in the future, our Carbon Removals product will offer credits relating only to our own carbon removal activities using BECCS (bioenergy with carbon capture and storage).

Carbon Portfolio

Carbon Portfolio comprises two product options - Blend and 100% CDRs:

Tailor your investment


These credits derive from carbon reduction and CDR projects taking place globally.

100% CDRs

100% CDRs

CDR projects focus solely on removing CO₂ from the atmosphere.

To discuss these options and place your order for Carbon Portfolio,
contact our team:

Carbon Portfolio benefits

Both product options deliver environmental, social and governance (ESG) benefits (see below). Please download our Carbon Portfolio product sheet for full details.

Decarbonisation icon

Report lower emissions

Help reduce your reportable Scope 1 and Scope 3 emissions.

Added brand value

Show your commitment

Support your corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ESG goals.

More power less risk icon

Tailor your investment

Choose the projects and credits that best align with your business strategy.

High consumers icon

Enhance your reputation

Your staff, customers and other stakeholders will support your sustainability efforts.

Up to 2Mt of CDRs over 5 years

In September 2022, we agreed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with carbon finance business Respira. This means it can purchase up to two million tonnes of our CDRs (based on BECCS) over a five-year period.

World’s biggest carbon removals deal
How to cut emissions and meet sustainability standards - carbon credits

Cut emissions and meet sustainability standards

Academics at Oxford University created the Oxford Offsetting Principles as a response to the climate modelling work of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. However, many other institutions and coalitions have produced alternative guidelines and there’s considerable debate about definitions and the most effective approach.

What role do carbon credits have to play in sustainability strategies? - Hero Image

Carbon credits' role in sustainability strategies

Buying carbon credits on the Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM) – and following VCM Integrity Initiative (VCMI) guidance on how to use such credits – can contribute to achieving your sustainability targets. This is true even if your organisation – and its supply chain – still has hard-to-abate emissions.

Explore further

What are the standards governing carbon dioxide removals (CDRs)? How do you quantify and track your organisation’s carbon footprint? How do you move to EVs? These guides provide some answers.

Drax Carbon Removals icon

Standards for carbon removals

Understand CDR standards, how to use high-integrity carbon credits, and the climate benefits they deliver.

Competitive advantage icon

Your carbon footprint

Our partnership with Notch lets you measure your carbon emissions and then start planning how to reduce them.

Executive EVs icon

Electrifying your fleet

Get our 6-step guide to electrifying your fleet, optimising operations and maximising EV performance.

Sound good?

For more information, or to discuss buying credits from Carbon Portfolio, please contact our team: