Variable rates


At the end of the ‘Fixed Period’ of a SME customer's contract, they can renew with us, or switch to another supplier. If the customer doesn't do any of these, their contract will move from its ‘Fixed period’ into its ‘Variable period’.

Please note that these variable rates are not fixed, and they may change at any time. We’ll always keep this page up to date with the latest rates, or you can find them on your bill.

Variable rates can be higher than our within contract rates and customers could get a better deal with a new contract. Contact us on 01473 632666 to discuss which options are available to you.

We charge these rates until the customer agrees a new contract or switches to another supplier. If you want to agree a new contract or switch supplier, you don’t need to send us a termination notice. You’ll still need to pay any outstanding balance before you switch, or we may object.

You can find our Variable Rates below.

Variable Rates from 1st April 2025

Profile Class Day Rate pence/kWh* Standing Charge (pence/day) Other costs
1,2,3,4 35.49 200
5,6,7,8 35.49 200
0 (Half hourly) 30.93 See notes below*** Metering/DA/DC, HHAC and Reactive power at cost

Variable Rates from 1st January 2025

Profile Class Day Rate pence/kWh* Standing Charge (pence/day) Other costs
1,2,3,4 37.29 250
5,6,7,8 37.29 250
0 (Half hourly) 31.03 See notes below*** Metering/DA/DC, HHAC and Reactive power at cost



kWh – kiloWatt hour
TNUoS – Transmission Network Use of System: the transmission cost associated with the relevant Half Hourly supply; National Grid Company levies this charge
DUoS – Distribution Use of System: the costs associated with operating and maintaining the distribution networks, levied by Distribution Network Operators (DNOs)
HHAC – Half Hourly Availability Charge: we calculate this by multiplying the Network Operator’s published availability rate for the relevant HH supply - expressed in pence/kVA/day - by the customer’s Chargeable Supply Capacity - expressed in kVA
DA – Data Aggregator
DC – Data Collector