Contact us


Our Christmas opening hours

Christmas opening hours 2024

How can we help?

General queries

Email, call 01473 277556 or use our online form.

Request a quote

Email, call 01473 707160 or use our online form.

Sell your energy

Email, call 01865 312145 or use our online form.

Smart meters

Email, call 01473 277556 or use our online form.

New connections

Email, call 01473 707160 or use our online form.

Already on supply?

General queries

Email, call 01473 277556 or use our online form.

Meter reads

Use our online form to submit your latest meter reading.

Bill payments

Use our online account to set up a BACS payment.

Our partners

Get access to great - customer only - partner offers.

Interested in electrification?

Email, call 01473 632533 or complete the relevant online form and we’ll contact you.


Electric vehicles

Electric assets

Our promises to customers

We're committed to treating our customers fairly. You can read more about our commitments by following the links below.

Customer Fairness Charter

We promise to treat our customers fairly and conduct ourselves with integrity.

Read our promise to our customers.

Customer Privacy Notice

We take your right to privacy and the protection of your personal data seriously.

Read our privacy notices to learn more.

Making a complaint

If you need to make a complaint, go to our complaints page.

Export of FiT customer?

If you need to make a complaint regarding your Export or FiT (Feed in Tariff) account, please visit our renewables complaints page.