Insights / Drax: 100% renewable electricity in 2020

Drax announces 100% renewable electricity in 2020 Fuel Mix Disclosure

We’re delighted to announce that our Fuel Mix Disclosure for the reporting period April 2019 to March 2020 was 100% renewable.

This means that all organisations who partner with Drax receive 100% renewable electricity and can report zero carbon emissions under greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol, scope two. The average power supplier sources just 38% of their electricity from renewable sources.

Drax announces 100% renewable electricity in 2020 Fuel Mix Disclosure

And, for the third year in a row, our product offering has been approved by EcoAct. EcoAct is an international consultancy that independently reviews our product offering, verifying that we’re 100% renewable.

We’re particularly proud of our renewable credentials this year. As organisations across the country have grappled with Covid-19 and its impacts, the majority of business leaders say that they’ve become more environmentally aware than they were before the pandemic.

As well as supplying 100% renewable electricity, we’re the UK’s largest single generator of renewable electricity. As such, we’re committed to ensuring a lower cost, zero carbon power future for all.

Our electricity sources: A breakdown

Renewable electricity generators are provided with a government certificate for each unit of electricity produced. These certificates, known as Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs) or Guarantees of Origin (GOOs), demonstrate that the electricity generated comes from a renewable source.

These certificates are passed to power suppliers when they purchase from renewable generators. Power suppliers must match each unit of electricity they supply with a REGO or GOO for their products or tariffs to be considered renewable.

We’re proud to be able to supply electricity to our customers that comes from sustainable, renewable, zero-carbon sources. We don’t buy any coal power.


Sources of electricity percentage and fuel mix disclosure for all contracts that we supply.

Fuel Overall Renewable Products
Renewables 100% 100%
Natural Gas 0% 0%
Nuclear 0% 0%
Coal 0% 0%
Other Fuels 0% 0%

The environmental impact for our overall fuel mix is 0g CO2/kWh plus 0g high level radioactive waste/kWh.

The below table and diagram show the breakdown of our renewable sources we use in our electricity mix:

Technology Group % of Mix
Photovoltaic 11.7%
Wind 32.7%
Bioenergy 47.8%
Hydropower 7.8%
Total 100%

See our Fuel Mix Disclosure in full.