Energy bill relief scheme
What's going on in the energy market?
UPDATE 01-04-2024
The Energy Bill Relief Scheme has closed from 1 April 2023. The below information is for reference only.
The government has announced further details on its support package for businesses, the Energy Bill Relief Scheme.
The scheme is available to non-domestic customers who are:
- On existing fixed price contracts that were agreed on or after 1 December 2021
- Signing new fixed price contracts
- On deemed, out of contract or variable tariffs
- On flexible purchase or similar contracts
If you’re on a Fixed contract and the wholesale price was below the Government Supported Price at the time you entered into your contract, you won't receive a discount. Read more about eligibility.
Opting out
If you’d like to opt out of the Energy Bill Relief Scheme, email with your account reference and the date you want to opt out from.
If you change your mind, you can opt back in – just email your request to the above address. Note that the scheme’s discount won’t be applied for the period in which you opted out.
Energy Bill Discount Scheme (EBDS)
Visit our EBDS page by clicking here.
Energy market information and resources
We’ve gathered relevant articles to help you understand your bills and to explain how our work helps meet energy demand. You’ll also find links to help you manage your energy spend and get support.
What costs are in my energy bill?
As well as energy consumption charges, your bill also includes ‘Third Party Costs’. This article unpicks them so you can understand more about what you’re paying for.
Why are energy prices going up?
Learn how the reliance on Russian gas supply and increasing Third Party Costs have driven up electricity prices, and understand how your organisation can limit the impact.
Energy security in uncertain times
When the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow, Drax biomass and hydro-electric facilities will continue to help balancing the grid to make sure supply and demand align.
Tips on energy efficiency
There are many ways every organisation can streamline its energy usage. Here are some industry-specific energy efficiency guides that could help your business.
Rota Load Disconnection
If the UK finds itself short of power, National Grid can use Rota Load Disconnection to reduce energy demand. This is where National Grid plan disconnection of specific areas around the country for defined periods of time.